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Aastha Hospital and IVF Centre provide comprehensive world class management of Orthopaedic ailments, backed by a team of internationally trained Orthopaedics Surgeons, Primary Care Physician, Occupational Therapist and others Paramedical Staff.

When the joint of the knee becomes less flexible and does not have enough mobility, then joint replacement surgery is always suggested by your surgeon. Joint replacement procedure does not only repair acute conditions but also helps you for normal function of knees; it removes pain and restores general well-being.

If you have this type of knee injury, you may be experiencing the symptoms of the condition. Although excessive healing seems to happen over a long period of time, there are some early indications that come before knee Arthroplasty. Some patients with this condition experience swelling on occasion, accompanied by stiffness.

When should you see an orthopaedic surgeon?

If you’re struggling with common musculoskeletal problems like knee pain, back pain, joint pain, or an injury that just doesn’t seem to be getting better, you may benefit from paying a visit to an orthopaedic specialist.

It’s important to remember that there are many different types of injuries that can occur in the human body. The most common are sprains and strains but there are also broken bones and fractures. In order to determine what type of injury you have it is important to see a doctor who specializes in this area.

Orthopaedic doctors are trained in treating all types of injuries including:

  • Knee Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Joint Pain
  • Ankle or foot pain
  • Shoulder, elbow, wrist, or hand pain
  • Hip Pain

They can also help with prescription medications and recommend physical therapy treatments if necessary.

In addition to treating injuries from sports, orthopaedic doctors are also very important for athletes. They can help with sprains, fractures, and other types of injuries that may result from playing a sport. And if you have torn or otherwise injured soft tissue (like a ligament or tendon), they can help with that as well. Athletes often work closely with orthopaedic surgeons to heal injuries and prevent future incidents.

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